HostingInside LTD 鷹式特網有限公司...
Taiwan Network Maintenance (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Høj
  • Påvirker Andre - Taiwan Network maintenance
  • 2023-05-15 18:00 (GMT+8) - Taiwan Network maintenance start maintenance from 2023-05-17 05:00 - 06:00 (GMT+8)
    2023-05-17 05:00 (GMT+8) - Starting maintenance
    2023-05-17 06:00 (GMT+8) - Ending maintenance

  • Dato - 2023-05-17 05:00 - 2023-05-17 06:00
  • Senest opdateret - 2023-05-17 06:15
Taiwan VPS Node Maintenance (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Høj
  • Påvirker Andre - Node name tw5-1
  • 2022-10-05 00:00 (GMT+8) - Node named tw5-1 will start maintenance from 2022-10-11 06:00 - 09:00 (GMT+8)
    2022-10-11 06:13 (GMT+8) - Starting migration of node named tw5-1
    2022-10-11 08:45 (GMT+8) - Ending migration of node named tw5-1

  • Dato - 2022-10-11 06:00 - 2022-10-11 08:45
  • Senest opdateret - 2022-10-11 08:45
Taiwan VPS Node Maintenance (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Høj
  • Påvirker Andre - Node name tw5-1
  • 2022-10-05 00:00 (GMT+8) - Node named tw5-1 will start maintenance from 2022-10-07 06:00 - 09:00 (GMT+8)
    2022-10-07 06:00 (GMT+8) - Starting migration of node named tw5-1
    2022-10-07 09:33 (GMT+8) - Ending migration of node named tw5-1

  • Dato - 2022-10-07 06:00 - 2022-10-07 09:36
  • Senest opdateret - 2022-10-07 09:34
Taiwan VPS Node Maintenance (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Høj
  • Påvirker Andre - Node name tw5-2
  • 2022-08-31 00:00 (GMT+8) - Node named tw5-2 will start maintenance from 2022-09-02 06:00 - 08:00 (GMT+8)
    2022-09-02 06:00 (GMT+8) - Starting migration of node named tw5-2
    2022-09-02 08:00 (GMT+8) - Ending migration of node named tw5-2

  • Dato - 2022-09-02 06:00 - 2022-09-02 08:00
  • Senest opdateret - 2022-10-07 07:02
China Premium Route Maintenance (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Andre - TWGate
  • 2022-08-28 00:00 - TWGate will do maintenance on their router and causing downtime for about an hour. They will start the maintenance on 2022-09-14 04:00 - 08:00 GMT+8

  • Dato - 2022-09-14 04:00 - 2022-09-27 17:51
  • Senest opdateret - 2022-08-31 07:06
US VPS Node Down (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - XEN
  • 5th May 2018 - 19:20 GMT+8
    First reported US VPS Node down for unknown reason

    5th May 2018 - 22:30 GMT+8
    US Node machine unable to detect RAID card

    5th May 2018 - 22:58 GMT+8
    RAID card battery issue.
    Still no ETA. New RAID card replacement request has been sent to data center technical support.

    We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

    6th May 2018 - 00:27 GMT+8
    All done, server has been up and runnning.

    Again, thank you for your patience and trust with us.

  • Dato - 2018-05-05 22:43 - 2018-05-08 22:43
  • Senest opdateret - 2021-02-28 02:26
Better safe than sorry (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Andre - All VPS Node
  • 15/05/2015 10:49(GMT+8)
    UK-3 up and running, thank you for all of your patient and attention.

    15/05/2015 10:49(GMT+8)
    All VPS node has been updated except UK-3, still working on it. Please hold on.

    15/05/2015 00:15(GMT+8)


    We will update all of our VPS Node due security issue popup against QEMU binary. This maintenance will be begin on 15th May 2015 - 09:00am until 15th May 2015 - 15:00pm(GMT+8) and your VPS will be shutdown during this maintenance period, network remain same and your VPS and IP Address also remain same.

    We are deeply sorry for all of this caused inconvenience and thank you for your trust and patience with us. If you have any question regarding this update, please do not hesitate to reply this email

    Affected NODE:

    我們會在5月15日早上9點(大陸/台灣時間)到下午3點(大陸/台灣時間)更新所有VPS母機,更新是因為近期XEN QEMU binary安全性問題。此更新會關掉所有VPS再進行更新。更新後路由含IP仍然不變。



    Kami akan melakukan update semua server VPS kami pada tanggal 15 May 2015 Jam 8 pagi(Waktu Indonesia) atau jam 9 pagi(Waktu Malaysia) sampai dengan jam 2 sore(Waktu Indonesia) atau jam 3 sore(Waktu Malaysia). Update kali ini dikarenakan masalah sekuriti pada Xen QEMU binary dan sewaktu update kami akan melakukan shutdown semua VPS. Update ini tidak akan mengubah jaringan internet kami dan IP Address anda.

    Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini. Terima kasih atas kesabaran anda dan kepercayaan anda terhadap kami. Jika anda mempunyai pertanyaan perihal update kali ini, silahkan reply email ini.

    Server VPS yang termasuk dalam update kali ini:

  • Dato - 2015-05-15 09:00 - 2015-05-15 15:00
  • Senest opdateret - 2015-05-15 11:31
Taiwan BanQiao VPS node down (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Andre - TW2-1
  • 3rd March 2015 09:30(GMT+8) Taiwan BanQiao VPS node was down for unknown reason, we are still investigating on it;
    3rd March 2015 12:00(GMT+8) We unable to get it back and our staff currently on the way to the datacenter;
    3rd March 2015 15:00(GMT+8) Staff arrived at datacenter and start investigating node issue;
    3rd March 2015 16:45(GMT+8) Node up and running.

    Thank you for your patient and trust with us, have a nice day.

  • Dato - 2015-03-03 09:30
  • Senest opdateret - 2015-03-03 17:05
UK2-1 (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - XEN
  • We had one of our harddrive broken last week and we've asked datacenter staff to change it for us on 2nd Sept 2013 but they unplug wrong hard drive that caused data error. These below are the details:

    2 Sept 2013 21:05(GMT+8) - Datacenter staff unplug wrong hard drive and then plug it back after noticed it is wrong hard drive and call the ISP to make sure which should be unplug and change with new drive;

    2 Sept 2013 22:10(GMT+8) - We are initializing the raid and find out system is broken which some of files was missing;

    3 Sept 2013 00:44(GMT+8) - Waiting for datacenter to get the KVM up and was planning to try rescue mode to restore some of missing libraries;

    3 Sept 2013 04:16(GMT+8) - We have connected to the KVM, but the KVM provided by data center does not have virtual media function which we need to attach iso to boot into rescue mode. We already asked data center to allow connection to our own IPMI(KVM like feature which blocked by default) and data center admin faced ip assignment issue which delay us to connect to IPMI;

    3 Sept 2013 08:48(GMT+8) - We are able to get into rescue mode via IPMI and trying to fix missing files and directory;

    3 Sept 2013 15:51(GMT+8) - Missed files and directory recovered;

    3 Sept 2013 15:55(GMT+8) - Noticed server unable to boot up because of kernel has been broken and our staff tried to reproduce the kernel issue;

    3 Sept 2013 19:01(GMT+8) - We decide to backup all of vps data and reinstall this node;

    3 Sept 2013 22:17(GMT+8) - Start backup all vps data;

    3 Sept 2013 23:26(GMT+8) - 3 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 00:28(GMT+8) - 8 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 04:23(GMT+8) - 15 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 07:21(GMT+8) - 27 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 10:10(GMT+8) - 31 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 10:30(GMT+8) - 35 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 11:23(GMT+8) - 41 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 12:17(GMT+8) - 45 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 17:48(GMT+8) - 53 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 19:34(GMT+8) - 61 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 21:51(GMT+8) - 66 of 70 has been stored in backup disk;

    4 Sept 2013 23:17(GMT+8) - 70 of 70 has been stored in backup disk. We will make a final crosscheck to make sure nothing left behind;

    5 Sept 2013 00:45(GMT+8) - Crosscheck finished and will start reinstallation of whole VPS node;

    5 Sept 2013 08:46(GMT+8) - Reinstallation done, we are now restoring all vps;

    5 Sept 2013 11:56(GMT+8) - Half of VPS in this node has been up;

    5 Sept 2013 13:46(GMT+8) - All VPS has been restored and if you found yours offline, please send us a ticket with your VPS ip address.

    In the end, thank you all your trust and support.

  • Dato - 2013-09-02 21:05 - 2013-09-05 13:48
  • Senest opdateret - 2013-09-05 13:48
UK2-1 (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - XEN
  • 28/03/2013 00:47 - UK2-1 Server is being attacked.
    28/03/2013 00:57 - It is back to normal, attacked ip has been nullroute.
    28/03/2013 01:05 - Being attacked again.
    28/03/2013 17:24 - Attack gone.

  • Dato - 2013-03-28 00:47 - 2013-03-28 17:25
  • Senest opdateret - 2013-03-28 17:25
Scheduled Fullerton Based Node (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Høj
  • Påvirker Servere - go
  • ----- [English] -----

    Dear HostingInside Customers,

    We are pleased to announce the completion of the brand new Staminus Data Center in Orange County, California. This facility is equipped with diverse network feeds, state-of-the art power backup system via UPS and generator, and a redundant cooling system.

    Over the next week, Staminus will be migrating all of thier customer servers from our numerous existing facilities to their new data center.  During this migration, you will experience a brief one to four hour outage.  Once complete, your virtual server will go online with your current IP addresses.  No changes are necessary on your part.

    As of right now, the migration window take between December 22nd 2010 9AM PST - December 23nd 2010 6AM PST.

    Please note that you will be down at most 4 hours during the Migration Window.  We are unable to provide a more specific range of hours for your migration window.  If you experience an outage longer than 4 hours, please immediately open a ticket in our help desk at

    That is all about migration, we are sorry for this migration caused inconvenience and thank you for understanding us.





    Gentile HostingInside Customers,

    Siamo lieti di annunciare il completamento del nuovo brand Staminus Data Centerin Orange County, California. Questa struttura è dotata di rete diversi feed,state-of-il sistema di alimentazione di backup arte tramite UPS e generatore, e unsistema di raffreddamento ridondanti.

    Durante la settimana successiva, si Staminus seriamente tutti i loro clientiMigrazione dei server dal nostro numerose strutture esistenti per il loro nuovo centro dati. Durante questamigrazione, sarà una breve esperienza da uno aun'interruzione di quattro ore. Una volta completato, il server virtuale di andareonline con il tuo attuale indirizzo IP. Non sono necessarie modifiche da parte vostra.

    A partire da ora, la finestra di migrazione prendere tra 23 dicembre, 2010 06:00 CET - 23 dicembre 2010 15:00 CET.

    Si prega di notare che si da essere giù al massimo 4 ore durante la finestra dimigrazione. Non siamo in grado di fornire una gamma più specifica di ore per la vostra finestra di migrazione.Se si verifica un'interruzione più lunga di 4 ore, si prega di aprire immediatamente un biglietto nel nostro help desk a

    Questo è tutto ciò di migrazione, ci scusiamo per questa migrazione i disagi causati e vi ringraziamo per la comprensione di noi.




    [Bahasa Indonesia]

    Dear HostingInside Customers,

    Kami dengan senang hati memberitahukan kepada anda perihal telah diselesaikannya Data Center baru Staminus yang berada di Orange City, California. Fasilitas ini dilengkapi dengan bermacam-macam jalur koneksi, cadangan listrik melalui UPS dan genset, dan sistem pengatur suhu ruangan.

    Tepatnya minggu depan, Staminus akan memindahkan semua server customer mereka dari data center sekarang ke data center baru. Saat migrasi, virtual server(vps) anda akan di-shutdown dan di-start kembali sekitar satu sampai empat jam. Setelah selesai, virtual server anda akan online dengan IP yang sama. Tidak diperlukan juga perubahan apapun didalam virtual server anda.

    Dan sekarang, jangka waktu pemindahkan diperkirakan antara tanggal 23 desember 2010 jam 12 siang waktu Indonesia/jam 1 siang waktu Malaysia sampai dengan tanggal 24 desember 2010 jam 3 pagi waktu Indonesia/jam 4 pagi waktu Malaysia.

    Mohon diperhatikan, virtual server anda hanya akan down paling lama 4 jam selama migrasi dilakukan. Kami tidak dapat memberitahu secara pasti jam berapa hingga jam berapa. Jika virtual server anda mengalami down lebih dari 4 jam, silahkan submit ticket di

    Hanya ini yang kami sampaikan perihal pemindahan, kami meminta maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya dan terima kasih anda telah mengerti.


    [Bahasa Indonesia]




    我們很高興地宣布完成了全新的Staminus機房在加州橙縣。該設施配有不同的網絡供稿,先進設備,先進的後備電源系統,通過 UPS和發電機,以及一個冗餘冷卻系統。


    截至目前,移動時間是設在 2010年12月23日 中午13:00台灣時間 到 2010年12月23日 早上04:00台灣時間。

    請注意,你會從最多將下降4個小時在設定的移動時間。我們無法提供更具體的範圍小時。如果您遇到停電時間超過 4小時,請立即打開一票在我們的幫助台。




  • Dato - 2010-12-23 12:00 - 2010-12-23 17:38
  • Senest opdateret - 2010-12-23 12:26
UK Node down (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - si
  • 05/11/2010 22:36 EST
    Server gone down, still investigating on it. We will keep you update here the status of this issues and thank you for your patience.

    05/11/2010 23:03 EST
    Too many orphaned sockets which caused kernel panic and we have no choice beside reboot this node. We already fixed this error. Thank you for your patience, if you have any question, please feel free to open ticket.

  • Dato - 2010-11-16 22:36 - 2010-11-05 23:03
  • Senest opdateret - 2010-11-16 23:30
Los Angeles VPS node network issue (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - go
  • 05/11/2010 08:00 PDT

    At approximately 8AM November 5 2010, some customers began experiencing periodic bursts of high latency and packet loss. Data center engineers immediately began to diagnose the problem. The issue was resolved at approximately 8:15AM, but returned again shortly after. During the period between 8AM and 9AM, customers experienced brief periods of packet loss and elevated latency.

    05/11/2010 09:00 PDT


    At approximately 9AM, the problem was discovered to be a faulty firewall policy that was not fully protecting against a series of network flood attacks.  These malicious attacks were able to impact our border routers. Data center engineers have since patched this bug, and audited the firewall policy for other potential leaks.  At the current time, no further faulty rules exist.
    Network flood attacks are a reality and have devastating attacks.  The network has been designed to withstand large-scale distributed denial of service attacks. On any given day, Data center experiences and protects its customers against an average of 500 attacks. We can safely say that this particular attack and its subtype will no longer impact the network.
    We thank you for your patience while we isolated and resolved  this issue.  If you have any questions, please feel free to open a ticket in the help desk.


  • Dato - 2010-11-05 13:14 - 2010-11-05 15:14
  • Senest opdateret - 2010-11-05 23:23
Los Angeles VPS Node Network Issues (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - go

    27/10/2010 00:00

    Our server located at Los Angeles in Staminus is currently having issues. We do not have information yet from data center. We will keep you update here the status of this issues and thank you for your patience.

    27/10/2010 01:45

    Server came back online and there is no specific explanation on this issue from data center, they stated this is "Network issue" and solutions already already permanently implemented.

    We sincerely apologize for this outage and thank you for your understanding and patience with us.



  • Dato - 2010-10-27 00:00 - 2010-10-27 01:45
  • Senest opdateret - 2010-10-27 07:12
Los Angeles Server Issues (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - go

    19/03/2010 11:02

    Our server located at Los Angeles in Staminus is currently having connection issues which caused by one of vps customer who try to blooming connection. The customer who caused problem has been suspended. Thank you for your patience.


  • Dato - 2010-03-19 11:02 - 2010-03-19 00:00
  • Senest opdateret - 2010-03-23 02:21
London Docklands facility network Issues (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - si
  • 29/01/2010 23:22

    Our server located at London, UK is currently having issues. Unfortunately we do not have more information yet regarding this network issue, just a simple message from datacenter which is "network issue". We will keep you update here any status of this issue.
    Thank you for your trust and patience.

    30/01/2010 00:08

    Their primary London was experienced a completed network outage at 2:11 GMT, unfortunately after reboot the cisco switching device providing connectivity failed to fully boot showing various memory errors, They share spare devices between sites in London as their sites are only few hundred meters apart however they had issue obtaining access to the sites in which the spare device was stored. Access was eventually gained and device replaced around 4:30 GMT. It has been fixed for now. Thank you for your patience.

  • Dato - 2010-01-29 23:22 - 2010-01-30 00:08
  • Senest opdateret - 2010-02-02 02:45
Los Angeles server Network Issues (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - go
  • 30/12/2009 08:29

    Our server located at Los Angeles in Staminus is currently having issues. We do not have information yet from Staminus. We will keep you update here the status of this issues and thank you for your patience.

    30/12/2009 10:08

    The connection is back to normal but we do not yet receive any information from Staminus. We will keep you update here.
    We are sorry for problem caused inconvenience and thank you for your trust and patience.

  • Dato - 2009-12-30 08:29 - 2009-12-30 10:08
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-12-30 10:16
UK Server Network Issues (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - si
  • 15/11/2009 01:31

    Our server located at Cable & Wireless, Leapfield House, London, UK is currently having routing issues. We will update here the status of this issues and thank you for your patience.

    15/11/2009 05:37

    Finally NOC staff found the problem and fixed it. We are sorry caused inconvenience to all of you and thank you for your patience with us.


  • Dato - 2009-11-15 01:31 - 0000-00-00
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-11-15 05:42
Los Angeles server Network Issues (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - go
  • 30/10/2009 23:40

    Our server located at Los Angeles in Staminus is currently having network issues. We will update here the status of this issues and thank you for your patience.

    30/10/2009 23:49

    Fiber cut on transport loop reported from Staminus and they are take care it right now.
    Thank you for your patience.

    31/10/2009 04:37

    The connection back to normal and thank you for your trust and patience.

    31/10/2009 20:58

    We are sorry for problem caused downtime again. Staminus reported there is an equipment malfunctions on one of their backbone QWEST. We will keep you update here.

    31/10/2009 22:58

    The Staminus Orange County Data Center experienced network connectivity issues. The problem was related to hardware malfunctions on the Qwest network which lead to widespread problems in Southern California area. After they working closely with the transport carrier, issue resolved.
    Thank you for your big trust and patience with HostingInside.

  • Dato - 2009-10-30 23:40 - 2009-10-31 22:58
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-11-01 05:15
Los Angeles server Network Issues (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - go
  • 23/10/2009 00:55

    Our server located at Los Angeles in Staminus is currently having network issues.
    We will update here the status of this issues and thank you for your patience.

    23/10/2009 02:14

    Network back to normal, but we are not yet receive any news from data center.
    We will keep you the update later and thank you for your trust and patience.

    23/10/2009 11:46

    This network issues was one of POP issue in California that connect to Staminus. It was fixed on 23/10/2009 02:14 and we thank you for your understanding and patience.

  • Dato - 2009-10-23 00:55 - 2020-09-10 23:02
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-10-23 12:07
IPv6 routing error (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Medium
  • Påvirker Servere - level3
  • 14/05/2009 06:02
    Our IPv6 with Hurricane Electic are currently down. They are on ranges 2001:470:f139::.

    We emailed Hurricane Electric IPv6 Department to investigate on this.

    14/05/2009 07:33
    It should be up again at this time.

  • Dato - 2009-05-14 06:02 - 2009-05-14 07:33
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-05-14 11:00
Wrong assign of network device (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - level3
  • 28/04/2009 23:22
    Network device not assigned well caused whole server down.

    We will inform you ASAP after problem fixed and thank you for your patience.

    28/04/2009 23:32
    Network device reassigned now.

    We are sorry with this small interrupted caused inconvenience to you and thank you again for your trust and patience with us.

    We will inform you ASAP after problem fixed and thank you for your patience.

  • Dato - 2009-04-28 23:22 - 2009-04-28 23:32
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-04-28 23:35
Network outage (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Påvirker Servere - level2
  • Steadfast network outage, for more information

  • Dato - 2009-02-21 10:11 - 2009-02-21 12:23
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-02-21 23:23
Partial outage (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Høj
  • Påvirker Andre - All VPS
  • 07/01/2009 11:18
    Routing Circuit on Steadfast down which is causing a temporary outage.

    We will inform you ASAP after problem fixed and thank you for your patience.

    07/01/2009 13:14
    Routing Fixed.

  • Dato - 2009-01-07 11:18 - 2009-01-07 13:16
  • Senest opdateret - 2009-01-07 13:17